Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Fussy Baby!

Oh baby, cry baby what do you need
Your nappy is clean and you've had a good feed
Perhaps you would like to play peekaboo
Or go for a drive and look at the view
I could hold you like this and soothe and rub
You could have a warm bath, play with ducks in the tub.
You used to be happy when I rocked you to sleep
And you laughed when I touched your nose and said beep
Now I walk and I sing and I sush and I pat
But today you would rather lie on your mat
Tomorrow your mat will be so passé
And I'll start again like yesterday

1 comment:

  1. Hi thanks for your comment on my blog. Of course you can use my image ... Im looking at your blog on my phone and your header is so lovely (sunflowers are my favourite). Blogging keeps me sane too and there are so many lovely parent bloggers which although ive never met, help to make the journey of motherhood a little easier. Its nice to know im not the only one. When I get to computer I'll be having a looking through your blog and follow then. X
